Oct 26, 2021
In this Ownside.org podcast episode; Spencer does another Sunday News Review. From new COVID mutations & vaccine resistance, to the Democratic Party's ongoing budget failures & the early hints of a change in the US-Taiwan-China policy. Also, Facebook is going to pull a Blackwater. After the news section; there is also a...
Oct 18, 2021
In this Patreon episode, Spencer provides an example of what the Sunday News Summary shows will be like. If you'd like to get through multiple hours of Sunday news in a much shorter amount of time, this is for you. Spencer will let you know what the biggest stories are, things that were missed & things to look out for...
Oct 5, 2021
Would you like to fire all our federally elected officials?
Are you tired of only having to choose between lesser evils when going into the voting booth?
Spencer proposes that we literally vote for “None Of The Above” & at least remove the current slew of grifters from power; so that they can’t do anymore harm....