Jun 30, 2019
As is stated in the title, in this episode, Spencer meanders down the rabbit hole. This hole; conspiracies & conspiracy theories. He lays out his views on the traits & characteristics of the "Military-Industrial-Complex" vs. the "Deep State". Is it a 500+ year old secret cult that has mystical orgies & ritual chants or...
Jun 29, 2019
This is Part 2 of the 3rd American Allegories episode, "The Oxymoronic Paradox of Taxes" --- so if need be, that episode is in the archive for refreshing. In this episode, Aldous & Spencer get a little more philosophical & abstract in their approach to economics. They look for deeper underlying issues & ask if there are...
Jun 5, 2019
What happens when Spencer & Darrel disagree about something?
Find out as they discuss how to deal with the rise of various
flavors of racist right-wing groups & individuals. From punching &
egging racists to ignoring & isolating them: What works, what does
not & what is the threshold for free-speech vs....
Jun 2, 2019
Spencer provides an update on why there haven't been any episodes uploaded lately, lays out the plan for the next "season" of the podcast & gets a little personal about his own struggles with manic-depression. He chats about the Hebbian Theory that neurons-that-fire-together-wire-together & uses his own life to make the...